The Bee
Be(e) in Nature
Our Commitment
The Bee
Honey Bee has six sisters in her Family named "Apis". The one that produces honey has the scientific name "Apis Mellifera" or European Bee.
Because it is extremely social and domesticable, the honey it produces was the great substitute for sugar until Europeans arrived in America.
Their house is called the Hive and the place where they lay their eggs is called the Honeycomb, which is made of wax.
After they hatch, small larvae come out of them and later, after being fed with honey, the larvae transforms into Bees.
All hives have a Queen who differs from the others because she was fed with Royal Jelly and because she was born from a larger comb.
Males do not have a stinger, they are only used for reproduction and their name is Drone. Only the Queen and the Drone are born from fertilized eggs and their Family Tree respects the famous Fibonacci Sequence.
Many products can be made with honey and, therefore, it has a very high economic value. The most famous alcoholic drink that is made with fermented honey is Mead or Hydromel.
Because it is extremely social and domesticable, the honey it produces was the great substitute for sugar until Europeans arrived in America.
Their house is called the Hive and the place where they lay their eggs is called the Honeycomb, which is made of wax.
After they hatch, small larvae come out of them and later, after being fed with honey, the larvae transforms into Bees.
All hives have a Queen who differs from the others because she was fed with Royal Jelly and because she was born from a larger comb.
Males do not have a stinger, they are only used for reproduction and their name is Drone. Only the Queen and the Drone are born from fertilized eggs and their Family Tree respects the famous Fibonacci Sequence.
Many products can be made with honey and, therefore, it has a very high economic value. The most famous alcoholic drink that is made with fermented honey is Mead or Hydromel.
Be(e) in Nature
The Apis Family belongs to the Large Pollinator Family and is therefore largely responsible for the proliferation of trees and plants.
It is estimated that, if the Apis Family were to become extinct, a good percentage of the Flora and Fauna would also disappear.
Many farmers use bees to stimulate the production of nuts such as almonds and walnuts.
At the same time, almost all the fruits we eat were born with the help of Bees.
So one can imagine the importance of the Bee in preventing World Hunger.
These are the reasons why the Bee is the Symbol of Work and why this portal is called Honeycomb. These are the same reasons that led the UN to declare May 20th as World Bee Day in 2017.
At the same time, it is known that May 20th is also International Human Resources Day. Therefore, May 20th is definitely "HoneyComb Job Portal" Day.
It is estimated that, if the Apis Family were to become extinct, a good percentage of the Flora and Fauna would also disappear.
Many farmers use bees to stimulate the production of nuts such as almonds and walnuts.
At the same time, almost all the fruits we eat were born with the help of Bees.
So one can imagine the importance of the Bee in preventing World Hunger.
These are the reasons why the Bee is the Symbol of Work and why this portal is called Honeycomb. These are the same reasons that led the UN to declare May 20th as World Bee Day in 2017.
At the same time, it is known that May 20th is also International Human Resources Day. Therefore, May 20th is definitely "HoneyComb Job Portal" Day.
Our Commitment
Knowing what was said above, it is easy to see why we make a commitment to all the Bees in the World.
After all, by helping the Bees, we are also helping Mother Nature.
When profits from this Portal exceed a certain amount, we will give a percentage to an Association or Organization that protects this important insect from extinction.
It may not be an Association or Organization exclusively dedicated to Bees, but we will do everything we can to ensure that the gift is delivered to this insect that is so dear to us.
Through our Social Media, we will let you know who the lucky winner was.
Who knew that a job advertising tool would also help Mother Nature!?
After all, by helping the Bees, we are also helping Mother Nature.
When profits from this Portal exceed a certain amount, we will give a percentage to an Association or Organization that protects this important insect from extinction.
It may not be an Association or Organization exclusively dedicated to Bees, but we will do everything we can to ensure that the gift is delivered to this insect that is so dear to us.
Through our Social Media, we will let you know who the lucky winner was.
Who knew that a job advertising tool would also help Mother Nature!?